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Creative Relaxation Technique

MeadowUse the following technique to wind down and relax.  I suggest that you read the following script through a few times, so that you learn it well before you practise it. Feel free to adapt it to suit your own aims. Go to a quiet room where there are no distractions. Take a moment to get in a comfortable position, close your eyes and focus your attention on your breathing.

Then begin breathing slowly and deeply – in through your nose and out through your mouth – in a circular breathing motion. Breathe away any tension left in your body with every slow out-breath, and allow yourself to relax more and more.

Continue this breathing pattern a dozen or more times and just clear away any unwanted thoughts, so that your mind becomes still and quiet. Don’t worry if you get the odd unwanted thought, just re-centre your mind and allow the thought to drift away again. Just focus on the stillness of the moment.

Now silently ask this creative part of you for guidance. Take a couple of minutes to do this. Ask this part for ideas for new ventures. Don’t force it; just allow the ideas to come. Sometimes you will get ideas and inspiration later. The key is that you connect with this creative part now and open up that channel. When you do this you will find inspiration within you and you will feel motivated to create and manifest new things in your life.

Take five minutes here to be still and centred and to allow your creative ideas to come forward. After this point affirm to yourself that you will feel more creative and inspired in your daily life and that you can achieve many great things. State these affirmations as a reality now in the present tense. For example:

When you state these phrases, draw the words inside you and really believe they are a reality. Put your feelings into each phrase. You may want to add your own present tense phrases for creativity.

Then, when you are ready to finish, allow you mind to clear and count slowly upwards from one to ten, and open your eyes and come back to full waking consciousness:  1… 2… 3… 4… 5… 6… 7… 8… 9…10…

You will find that new creative ideas will come to you now that you have opened up this channel. It may be that new ideas will arrive out of the blue a day or two later. Practise this exercise often when you are looking for ideas or inspiration.

Repeat this technique every day initially until you feel you are expressing your creativity freely.

By Glenn Harrold (FBSCH Dip C.H.)

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© Diviniti Publishing Ltd.
2016 Copyright Notice: This free meditation script by Glenn Harrold is wholly owned by Diviniti Publishing Ltd and must not be duplicated or reproduced in any format without prior permission. Permission to reproduce the guide on web sites or in print can be obtained by contacting Diviniti Publishing Ltd.